Matagiri Upcoming Events


Indian Vegetarian Dinner

Indian Vegetarian Dinner

Sat Apr 5    
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Rice, Dal, Salad, Papadam and Chai Make a day of it and join us for a meal after the workshop and before the concert!  (salad [...]
Sahana Banerjee Sitar Concert

Sahana Banerjee Sitar Concert

Sat Apr 5    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
$20.00 - $35.00
Sahana Banerjee is one of the leading female sitar players of India belonging to Rampur Senia Gharana.  Sahana was born in a family of rich [...]
Sitar Concert with Abhisek Mallick accompanied by Subrata Bhattacharya, Tabla

Sitar Concert with Abhisek Mallick accompanied by Subrata Bhattacharya, Tabla

Sun Apr 13    
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
$20.00 - $35.00
    Initiated into the 'tabla' from the tender age of four years, Abhisek stepped into the domain of sitar when he was seven. Under [...]
Indian Vegetarian Dinner

Indian Vegetarian Dinner

Sun Apr 13    
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Rice, Dal, Salad, Papadam and Chai Make a day of it and join us for a meal after the concert! (salad will be better than [...]
April 24th Darshan

April 24th Darshan

            Darshan Celebration of Mother's Return to Pondicherry On April 24th, 1920, Mirra Alfassa Richard returned to Pondicherry to spend [...]


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