Workshop with Supriyo Dutta


Sat Oct 15    
11:00 am - 12:30 pm


Bookings closed


1218 Wittenberg Road, Mount Tremper, NY, 12457









WORKSHOP with Indian Classical Vocalist SUPRIYO DUTTA
Introduced by and with the participation of TIMOTHY HILL
Workshop SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 at 11 AM

In Indian classical music, the voice remains in its natural state, rather than cultivating an added sheen. This leaves the singer free to develop extremely precise tuning, depth of expression and remarkable feats of dexterity.

This workshop will begin with a tuning meditation based on Timothy Hill’s many decades of experience with harmonic (overtone) singing as a way of centering in the sound.

Then Supriyo Dutta will guide participants in the use of voice in Indian classical music, including svara (tone), sargam (solfège), alankara (melodic patterns), rhythmic patterns, introduction to raga, and so forth.

This workshop is recommended for anyone who loves to sing and/or listen!

Suggested contribution $20 for the concert, $30 for the workshop, or $40 for both (with advance registration)

Pay more if you can, or less if you need. Generosity toward traveling artists is greatly appreciated!


Bookings are closed for this event.


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