Sitar Concert: Indrajit Roy-Chowdhury & Pt. Arup Chattopadhyay


Sat Sep 28    
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm


1218 Wittenberg Road, Mount Tremper, NY, 12457

Please join us for an evening with gifted sitarist Indrajit Roy-Chowdhury. He is one of the most talented young exponents of Rampur Senia Gharana in the  lineage of Pandit Birendra Kishore Roy Chowdhury and Pandit Subroto Roy Chowdhury.

Primarily trained in the Veen-Kar style of Sitar which draws techniques and idioms of the Veena, Indrajit has been able to carve a niche for himself with his eclecticism and versatility. Indrajit strives for a fine balance of traditionalism coupled with innovation and is renowned for his meditative alaap and brilliant taans.

Pt. Arup Chattopadhyay was born at Chandannagar, West Bengal. He started learning tabla at the age of six from his father Pt. Pankaj Chattopadhyay. After a few years, he came under the tutelage of world-famous tabla maestro Pandit Sankar Ghosh of Farukkhabad gharana with whom he continues to learn. He has established himself as a top class accompanist and a formidable soloist. His performances are admired for their tonal quality, crystal clear sound of bols (tabla syllables) even at an electrifying speed, and tremendous sense of rhythm and melody. He was awarded the top-grade by All India Radio and Television (All India Radio and Doordarshan). He has performed with most of the leading artists like Pandit Ravi Shankar,[2] Ustad Ashish Khan and Ustad Shahid Parvez .

$20 donation. $30 Reserved seat. Payment in advance via PayPal to or via check or credit card at Pondicherry in Woodstock qualify for reserved seats.


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