April 24th Darshan

April 24th Darshan


Thu Apr 24    
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm


1218 Wittenberg Road, Mount Tremper, NY, 12457

Event Type







Darshan Celebration of Mother’s Return to Pondicherry

On April 24th, 1920, Mirra Alfassa Richard returned to Pondicherry to spend the rest of her life. Her collaboration with Sri Aurobindo resulted in the creation of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, the Sri Aurobindo International Center of Education and the international township of Auroville.

She was given the responsibility of guiding the community of seekers which gathered around Sri Aurobindo which continued after his death in 1950. She founded Auroville “City of Dawn” in 1968 just after her 90th birthday. She died on November 17th, 1973.

Noon Meditation

followed by a vegetarian lunch (please bring something to share)

2 pm: Excerpts from the new book The Mother: A Life of Sri Aurobindo’s Spiritual Collaborator


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