
Donate with a credit card or crypto currency:


Or call us to make a donation
(845) 679-8322


Matagiri is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization Federal ID 13-2915643. Donations are tax deductible, welcome and needed to support our work. We are fundraising for repairs to our existing infrastructure and landscaping as well as the cost of our center programs and every contribution is precious to us.
If you wish to sponsor an Indian Classical Concert please contact us.
We also support the work of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, India. Please contact us if you have a specific project or legacy donation.
Auroville is supported through Auroville International USA.
The best way to contribute to Matagiri is to send a check payable to Matagiri or MSAC to the address at the bottom of the page. We can also accept donations of stock and real property. Please call us to discuss the details. And be sure to consider Matagiri in your estate planning.
Credit card donations via Paypal Foundation cover the 3% credit card fees. Click this Paypal Foundation link.  We will receive 100% of your donation but please forward your email confirmation from Paypal with any allocation requests.
We also encourage your Facebook Fundraiser for Matagiri.

Please call 845-679-8322 if you have any questions.


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Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center