
Ticket Options General Admission $25.00 USD Reserved Seats $30.00 USD Meet and Greet and Refreshments $50.00 USD

AUM Online Schedule Eastern Times

AUM East Coast (New York) Schedule Registration Thursday, August 11 12:25–12:30 pm: Zoom room opens 12:30–1:00: Vedic Chanting with Sangeetha Sriram and Rajiv Natarajam; Welcome and Invocation 1:00–1:50: Debashish Banerji:...

Sri Aurobindo’s 150th Darshan August 14th and 15th

Darshan at Matagiri August 14th and 15th Sunday August 14th Noon: Reading from Savitri attendees are invited to read an excerpt from Savitri Lunch 2 pm informal sharing on the significance of Sri Aurobindo Monday August 15th Noon: Reading your favorite selection (two...
Matagiri Sri Aurobindo Center